An innovative training network
FutureArctic will channel an important evolution to automated machine-assisted fundamental environmental research.
This is achieved through dedicated training of researchers with profiles at the inter-sectoral edge of computer science, artificial intelligence, environmental and agricultural science, sensor engineering and communication and social sciences.
All ESRs will enrol in a three-level training program:
1/ Original research conducted by each ESR, supervised by the host institution and co-supervised by a secondary institution. The individual ESR project is at the heart of the training.
2/ Formal courses and workshops at each institution to develop transferable and personal skills (presentation, grant writing, self-management, teamwork, …).
3/ Specific FutureArctic training components, in the form of specialized network-wide training events, organized for all ESRs. This provides ESRs with a strong knowledge base on (sub)Arctic ecosystem functioning, climate change, technology of connected ecosystems, artificial intelligence, science philosophy, entrepreneurship and scientific and corporate responsibility and ethics.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation under grant agreement No 813114.