Pitch Movie: Energy harvesting and energy-aware systems for low power wireless sensors
Priyesh Puluckul @priyeshppulukul (ESR9) presents how he can make the work of his colleagues in the field much lighter. Watch the video!
Pitch Movie: Carbon cycling in changing, sub-arctic landscapes
Linsey Avila @linsey_avila (ESR6) tells us what she measures with her automated chambers on the ForHot field sites in Iceland! Watch the Video!
Pitch Movie: Assessing ecosystem climate response using drone and satellite images
Amir Hamedpour @amirhpur (ESR10) tells us how we can estimate the amount of biomass from a grassland... from the air! Watch the video!
Pitch Movie: A story of our global garden: Plants storing the excess CO2
@VaidehiNarsingh (ESR13) tells us how machine learning can help solve the mystery why while CO2 levels rise, the number of green leaves declines. Watch the video!
Pitch Movie: ‘Big data’ and shifts in research practices
Virginia Vargolska @vargolska (ESR15) tells us what a social scientist can do for climate research and machine learning. Watch the video!
Pitch Movie: Warming effects on soil CO2 emissions in subarctic grasslands
Fabrizzio Protti Sanchez (ESR5) shows us how he measures soil respiration. Watch the video!
Pitch Movie: Development of an automated sampler for subsoil nutrient flows
@Samer_Nasser (ESR11) presents the system he will develop to continuously monitor nutrients and water content in the soil! Watch the video!
Pitch Movie: Non-destructive assessment of grassland traits
@JoannaPranga (ESR2) presents why and how she will study grassland in a non-destructive way! Watch the video!
Pitch Movie: Scientific machine learning for complex ecosystem interaction analysis
@BartBussmann (ESR14) tells us how he can help to understand the effects of climate change on ecosystems. Watch the video!
Pitch Movie: Smart Root Imaging Technology for Root Phenological Studies
Pavel Baykalov (ESR12) from @VSI_Austria presents how he will help researchers to study how much CO2 is captured in plant roots. Watch the video!

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation under grant agreement No 813114.